Week 36
I've hit the 9-month mark now, so most things are a bit more tiring these days. It's hard to believe that the baby's gonna be here pretty soon (time of course has a funny way of going both slowly and quickly by), and next time I see a full-moon, I'll probably have a babe in arms... I think I also had my first (perceptible) Braxton-Hicks contractions this afternoon while I was ambling down Powell Blvd. Yep, we're getting near the finish line, folks...
Honestly, though, I'm still not paying too much attention to all of this, except in passing. If I don't, I'm less likely to obsess about it too much. Or maybe I'm just too tired to get caught up in all the hype--after all, when you get right down to it, it's been nearly a year since I've had a good night's sleep...
Some observations about this state of pregnancy:
1. Most of my shirts stick out funny, or don't button down all the way anymore.
2. I'm definitely glad I bought the "way too big" jacket, that fits just right in the 9th month.
3. Eating is a weird proposition. Unlike the first trimester, my appetite's here, but there's nowhere to put anything, so it's actually pretty hard to go about the whole process.
4. Less kicking, more turning or shifting around.
5. My ribs are sore a lot, but my back is actually aching less. Go figure.
6. Sleep is a joke, but laying down, in general, feels great.
7. The baby does feel a bit "lower" this week.
8. I have a great "shelf" to park things on while watching movies.
9. Yes, I can still see my feet just fine, thanks.
10. Most days, I actually feel just fine--until about 5pm. Then I get really tired--but that could just be the S.A.D. at work too--the sun's setting really early now and that never does much to keep me feeling energetic.
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