Berry Time
So I planted a few strawberries this year in a bed by the front of the house, and even though I put them in the ground only about a month ago, they're going like gangbusters and I've been getting a pretty good harvest off of them. Surprisingly they're even a pretty good size...not teeny-tiny. So far, I've been lucky, and the birds haven't found them, but the slugs have (eww). One of the plants appears to be diseased though, and is producing berries with a brown rot...guess I better pull that one up and try again.
I've also picked a few raspberries, and currants already. I noticed that the berries on the amelanchier are nearly ripe, and it won't be too much longer before the salmonberries and thimbleberries do their thing. Since it's nearly time for solstice, I guess it makes sense that all this fruit is starting to happen now.
It's time to go on the neighborhood cherry tree me some cherries! And pretty soon, it'll be blueberry season as well.
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