Wednesday, December 03, 2008

okee dokee

The last couple of days have been "interesting". I'm ready for some good old fashioned routine. I'm tired to death of variety...Maybe I should have picked up that half-day ESL job...but I didn't. I'm tentatively thinking about going back to work tomorrow if I actually get some sleep tonight. (Note that this is the only line of work where you can "think about going to work" in any meaningful sense of the word.) Maybe if I don't have anything compelling going on, I'll go hang out with Margo's crew. It's times like this that I enjoy not having a full-time job. Life can deal out all kinds of unexpected things, and it's nice to have maximum flexibility to deal with them.

It's definitely December around here. While not exactly cold, it's not very pleasant outside. The permagloom has parked in its winter home and probably won't leave us again until June. I'm not dealing too well with the whole lack of sunlight thing and desperately trying to compensate with caffeine. Frankly, I don't know how people live above the Artic Circle...My poor dog needs more stimulation but I'm too lethargic to whip up any enthusiasm for playing with her.

I'm getting into that mode where I'm pretty uninspired to do anything really creative. Fortunately I can put this lack of vision to use by scouring the internet for good teaching materials. This is probably a good time in my life to imitate what's already out there. There's no need to re-invent the wheel every day.

Hopefully I'll get some real sleep tonight. I'd like to get back in the game--I kinda miss my real life, crazy as it is. At least it's funny in an overstimulating sort of way.


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