Thursday, December 04, 2008

next time just one half

It was impossible to wake up this morning, so after trying and trying, I decided to give in go back to sleep. I'm way off my normal routine and it's showing. This has been a really strange week for me, and I feel like I'm totally off-track. I'm compensating for all of this by spending way too much time on the internet.

I decided since working was out for the day, I'd go over and hang out in Margo's EBD classroom, which I'm treating as an internship opportunity to study and learn more about kids with EBDs. I finally got to meet her para, a couple of kids I hadn't seen yet, see what the dynamics are like with an adult male in the room, and learn what the afternoon routine looks like. Ideally I'd like to go over one more time before she asks me to sub for her. Officially I guess you'd call it a class observation visit or volunteering. For me, it's an opportunity to get to know the kids a bit better before I start subbing for her.

Today was more of a typical day than the last time I was there , so I got to watch the kids working on more academic tasks (note to self-I suck at high school math). I think at this point they're used to seeing me and are starting to relax. With this group, nobody's in quite the same place where they were when I was last there, but I've noticed they aren't testing me quite as much and are starting to show some signs and gestures of acceptance. I'm hoping some of this will hold when I make the switch from friendly observer to the "in-charge person" which oughta be interesting for all of us. Frankly though, I'm not as concerned now as I was at first, and a lot of it has to do with the fact that the kids have clearly adjusted to me. I should be just fine. So sometime in about a week, I'll be doing just that...Kinda reminds me of taking over a class during student teaching. I'm sure it'll be interesting but at least I'm not getting graded.

Speaking of student teaching, the student teacher from Lewis and Clark I met should be taking over her class right about now, so my thoughts are with her. I bet right now there's a whole bunch of student teachers grappling with this dilemma right now as we speak. About a year ago or so, I too was in about the same place. I remember how in some ways it was very nerve wracking, and in others, not so much. I don't think any two people ever experience this in quite the same way, but no matter what it is stressful, so I hope she's doing well and the kids are going easy on her. Either way, she has my sympathy. Student teaching is quite a roller coaster ride. It's amazing how much easier subbing is in some ways.

So if anything, I'm looking forward to picking up her class for a day. If it goes well, it could be a regular gig for me. Come to think of it, I also wouldn't mind going over to my old student teaching placement site and subbing for my old CT since I know all the kids (she's looped with them so all the same kids I had during student teaching should still be there), but she has Mrs. Greene on call, and Mrs. Greene is the best substitute teacher on the planet. I wouldn't dream of stepping on her turf.


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