yep, it appears to be the case that...
Today's headline round-up, proving that once again, the world IS going to hell in a handbasket. You heard it here first...
Something smells like global warming to me, I don't care what the doubters say..."Tornadoes in South Kill 50 in Rare Winter Strike... The deadliest tornado outbreak in almost a decade tore across the southern US late yesterday, killing at least 50 people..."(Bloomberg). Umm hello, does this in any way seem normal? I don't think so.
"Chadian President Says Govt. in 'Total Control' After Rebel Assault", You know, I always wondered what you called people from "Chad", now I know. They're least in English. Awkward...
Just yesterday I was reminiscing about my professional activist days..."Breaking News: Some Clinton staff working without pay to save money...some senior staff for Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign have begun working without pay to save money for the New York senator's cash-crunched political effort." Hmm, I don't know what's so shocking about this, aside from teachers I can't think of another line of work where you are more likely to routinely work beyond "contract" time. What you really think teachers go home when the kids do?
What sounds like the latest craze in water sports, is just another sad example of what passes for policy in the Bush administration. "US 'may' use waterboarding again-US President George Bush might consider authorising the controversial interrogation method of waterboarding in future, the White House has said (BBC)". Hmm, seems like our international reputation has sustained some "water" damage. Not that anyone with a pulse needed to be reminded by the truth that the Bush administration's current strategy is to fight terrorism by acting like terrorists. Note to self, the moral high ground is 300 feet below sea level and sinking lower every minute.
Oh, and of course there's always Wing:
Yep, it's a crazy word out there folks.
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