New year's meme
This is from Laura's Blog.
1. Will you be looking for a new job? YES! I seriously hope to be teaching something somewhere next fall.
2. Will you be looking for a new relationship? Maybe a few friends would be nice.
3. New house? We're going to be looking for a house this summer. I'll admit I'm starting to get excited about the prospect.
4. What will you do differently in 08? Be more organized.
5. New Years resolution? The usual-stay in touch with friends and family who are all very far away, get out more, take advantage of good opportunities, stay on top of my game.
6. What will you not be doing in 08? no idea
7. Any trips planned? Not that I'm aware of.
8. Wedding plans? Not that I know of.
9. Major thing on your calendar? Finishing up school, getting a job, and buying a house.
10. What can’t you wait for? The end of the rainy season
11. What would you like to see happen differently? I'd really like to get more involved with the community.
12. What about yourself will you be changing? Probably nothing. I'm pretty used to the way things are.
13. What happened in 07 that you didn’t think would ever happen? I started graduate school.
14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about? I sure hope so.
15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in 07? Probably not. I'm not much for change.
16. Will you start or quit drinking? No.
17. Will you better your relationship with your family? I'd like to see them more.
18. Will you do charity work? If you think about it, teaching other people's kids is about as charity as it gets.
19. Will you go to bars? Not unless it's for musical entertainment.
20. Will you be nice to people you don’t know? Well lets just say I won't be mean.
21. Do you expect 08 to be a good year for you? Not expecting it to be, but it could be.
22. How much did you change from this time last year till now? Quite a lot because what I've been through with school/teaching.
23. Do you plan on having a child? Not in the coming year.
24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now? It's very likely.
25. Major lifestyle changes? I think buying a house and getting paid to teach might have some kind of impact here.
26. Will you be moving? I hope so!
27. What will you make sure doesn’t happen in 08 that happened in 07? No idea...maybe no traffic citations!
28. What are your New Years Eve plans? Stay home!
29. Will you have someone to kiss at midnight? Yep!
30. One wish for 08? That people are a little kinder to one another.
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