Thursday, August 16, 2007

spammy weirdness storytime

Ever notice that spam has some really weird subject lines sometimes? Some folks decided to do a Spam poetry reading last year with some of these fine pieces of electronic random text babble over at the Roots Brewing Company.

While I won't subject you to anything like that, I'll try to use some of this randomness as inspirationg for today's stream of consciousness writing adventure which is losely based on real events.

On my left, there were big electrostatic generators howling madly behind the trail that wound behind an industrial strip. Just on the other side of abandoned apple orchards and sprawling blackberry reclamations, someone in a uniform reached over and switched on parallel with electrolytic condenser; I heard its mechanical grinding whirling and scraping through the trees. An odd scent lingered in the air, not one that was pleasant. On the rusty corrugated tin side of the building, there were numerous neotribal messages in spray paint. They appeared mysteriously vague and although I was sure they held secret meanings, I could not decode them. One proclaimed loudly in blaze orange: "There is no such thing as multiple inheritence". Another said, "If I don't see him soon, I shall pass out." I pondered them briefly sure they meant something, but my reverie was interrupted.

Suddenly, two kids came around the corner on bikes from the opposite direction, seeminly out of nowhere. One of them grasped the tail of the horse which I suppose is what kids that age tend to do. His companion was holding a plastic bottle containing some trapped life form that no doubt was the subject of current interest. He looked at the wallchart of sentient beings and said, "The last object that was rotated or dragged remains the current selection". Aha! Perhaps they are behind these mysterious messages. I tried to play it cool. I ventured a guess, "So an object can only be an...", but it was too late, they were speeding off heading back the way they came.

"All the possibilities...", I mumbled to myself, as I watched them go.


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