get together
Today i combined a good long bike ride with a gathering with a couple of friends. We hung and talked over some strategies for combining sustainability with teaching. Later we walked around the neighborhood, and went to the nearby park.
Unfortunately I got a really painful wasp sting on my foot while I was there. Desperate to stop the stinging so I could keep walking, I tried rubbing some of the copious jewelweed on it. Although I wasn't expecting it to do much (can't hurt, might help), it seemed to help and after only a couple of minutes I felt a whole lot better. (Now there are skeptics that say that jewelweed doesn't really help, but whether it was the plant or a placebo effect, I'll readily admit I sure felt a whole lot better and was able to ride my bike home (several miles)).
Right down the street, there was a wonderful plum tree, so the three of us got giddy as children and raided it. I think we picked about three quarts of plums and they were delicious.
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