Tom Doty
A public service bulletin recieved:
5 August 2007,
Dragonfly Place in the Siskiyou Mountains of southern Oregon....
Dear Friends,
This is an awkward and challenging letter to write. I'm not comfortable sharing this kind of personal information but I find myself in a difficult situation and I don't know where else to turn. So I am writing to ask for your help.
A week ago I had surgery to remove skin cancer from my forehead. Though the surgery went well, the lab report showed not all of the cancer cells were removed. I need further treatment from a specialist. This needs to be done soon.
As a self-employed artist, and like thousands of others in this country, I have no health insurance. The next treatment will be far more expensive. This has stretched me thinner than I thought possible, and I am asking friends for help. I am days away from losing my home.
In my 26 years as a storyteller I have told a lot of tales and today I decided it was time to share this latest story.
If you would are able to help, you may send a check to me at P.O. Box 3397, Ashland, OR 97520, or you may use a credit card at the following web page....
I hope to have my life back to normal soon. I have performances in the fall and several new books coming into print. Beyond this health challenge, I feel happy and focused in my life and my art, and I am eager to return to the work I am called to do.
I am grateful for any assistance. Thank you for whatever you choose to send my way, be it funds, a prayer or thoughts of wellness. In the spirit of sharing stories, please feel free to forward this e-mail.
Thomas Doty -- Storyteller, Author, Teacher DOTY & COYOTE: STORIES FROM THE NATIVE WEST
Storyteller in Residence at Dragonfly Place in the Siskiyou Mountains of southern Oregon.
Phone: (541) 482-3447 / (800) 582-2372
Classic Mail: P.O. Box 3397, Ashland, OR 97520
Online Chat: DotyCoyote (AIM, iChat & Skype)
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