yeah dawg
I'm gonna take a minute to toot my own horn here, but I just found out that I got an A in my lingugistics course. YEAH!!!! Go ME!!! I will preface this shameless self-adulation by acknowledging that this was one of the hardest classes I've taken in a really long tim--and I really had to put in a lot of work and apply myself quite dilligently to keep up with it. As much as I am innately interested in linguistics, it was not something that "clicked" with my brain I didn't always grasp the concepts on the first or even second attempts at trying. I failed many unseen times before "getting" it.
In life there are a lot of things that you can do successfully simply by following the directions...but others require more than that. So I felt really really good when I saw that 4.0 on my transcript...aww yeah.
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