Saturday, December 02, 2006

not as bad

I thought for sure that today would be hell on wheels...but it was anticlimactic. In fact the day was downright sedate.
Seems like this is gonna be the year of procrastinators...nobody's rushing in to ship their christmas stuff yet, so I bet anything everyone will wait until THE VERY LAST MINUTE and come in huffing and puffing in a state of panic with tons of half-wrapped shit that they want to send out that should have been done weeks ago to avoid the hefty charges of expedited shipping. Yeah, I can just see it now...
But today was not that day so we were free to relax and kill time in whatever ways seemed appropriate.

It sure is cold right now. Cold enough to snow, were the sky not so annoyingly cloud-free. That's Oregon for you. If it's cold enough to do anything snow-like, it's clear skies for weeks. If it's 33 or 34 degrees it's raining cats and dogs. Snow is clearly not in the cards for us most of the time. Oh well.

After work we went for a victory over the forces of bureaucratic inertia celebration dinner and some light entertainment. And that my friends was all she wrote.


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