Friday, June 09, 2006

so much for seattle

*warning ranty with a dose of persecution complex*

i'm so disappointed that i don't get to go to seattle and see rebecca. sniff sniff. well that would be my nasty mucus filled nose makin' that sound, but i feel pretty frustrated since this was my only weekend off this month. looking at the schedule i'm the guest star for the whole rest of june. blehh. can you believe this shit? it's not like i EVER get to go ANYWHERE besides work work work...and the last time i tried to do anything involving having fun, and it ended on a similar note of utter universal opposition. and once again all the forces in the universe are laughing at me.

i figured if i slept all day maybe this shit would go away but the viruses of death are only laughing at me harder. my phone rang off the hook this morning but i didn't pick up any sub jobs today and slept until noon. i forced myself to get up and eat something but after that i went back to sleep until 3pm. i've been awake since then but honestly it'd be just the same if i went back to sleep. what a dumb way to start the weekend. why do i even bother having days off? it's so pointless.


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