Wednesday, March 29, 2006

rainy day women driving in chinatown, looking for japanese jobs

it wasn't the nicest weather in the history of the world, but we did all pile in my car and go to the columbia gorge. i was pretty excited to finally see what all the fuss was about. so many waterfalls...and that's where this crazy crazy wind comes from. yessss....

on a botanical geekfest: i also dug the trillium in bloom (it comes in white?) as well as the pink feathery ribes. i'm wondering what the heck that peculiar purple stuff was that looks for all the world like a member of the rubus clan, but lacking entirely the typical flower shape...hmm such a mystery...

but yeah, it rained the whole time. in true oregonian fashion we didn't let it keep us at home.

but you know what, i HATE people. hate y'all. What the FUCK kinda person would go hike all the way up to the bridge at Multnomah falls just to leave a bunch of stupid ass beer cans lying around all over the ground...who ever you are, you are a total waste of oxygen and planetary resources, and frankly your mother should have aborted you from the get-go, so you wouldn't be able to go around leaving your detritus like trails of incompetent shit behind you, in order to mark your pathetic presence upon the face of the earth . I don't mind saying so, but goddamn at times like this I really hate my fellow man...

but seriously, peace, love and the cafe where we played jenga and i drank coffee out of a tree cup and watched the rain fall was pretty damn alright. the strore across the street with the argon lights was a little surreal...and you thought lighting was an afterthought in the shopping experience.

when we got home, i ended up having to heff it on over to a car. scary. rainy day women was feeling mighty appropriate for some reason with all the madness of trying to get things on the level. i found these great stems of mt. fuji cherry blossoms that someone hacked off a tree across the street, so i took them home. they look real classy on my dining room table.

when i got home i found out that i made round two with the japanese embassy. woo hoo! could this be love? oh yeah.


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