bus in the rain, glutton for punishment
can't say it's a good idea to go to a place like uwajimaya on the bus...especially not when you are planning on actually getting stuff. and I don't get to go very often...so inevitably there's too much stuff to carry home, and it all ends up being really heavy and awkward. but i got off work early and was sorely tempted.
all of you know, there's some places that you are better off if you go alone, (because anyone you drag along won't appreciate it in quite the same way you do) and for me uwajimaya is one of them. i have the compulsive need to look at EVERYTHING in the store which drives brian nuts. i can't focus on what i'm really there for, because the place is crammed full of distractions. maybe that's why i don't get to go more than once every 6 months.
now that i've got that out of my system, i had to lug everything home in the rain.
not so fun.
at least i didn't have to stand in it for half an hour, but it wasn't a very pleasant trip back home.
i reflected on all of this while i was shivering waiting for the 40. Two 10's, Two 8's but no 40...
Back at home I made sushi in utter defiance of good sense. Sometimes it's worth doing a lot of work to get exactly what you want...
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