bball and back to normal

can't say i miss the hype...
it's nice to get back to normal.
had the most uneventful day ever...
and i was totally fine with it.
adventure, excitement, a jedi craves not these things.

but i have lived in memphis a great deal longer than portland. and just like when i was in memphis we were in the nosebleed section. but that's cool. like there's a dimes worth of difference between the $10 and the $40 seats anyway.
it's a little weird watching the grizzlies play in portland, knowing that nobody's cheering for the same team as you...the other totally weird thing was the sheer number of white people in the building. that was a first for me.
the elvis jokes were flying fast and furious.
you know, it's been a long time since i've been to a basketball game. i used to go to tons of college games when my brother played. and the ones i went to were like glorified high school games but they were fun as hell. i think my favorite was still the lemoyne owen games, their halftime show was the best ever...i bet your school doesn't have djs. word.
The only thing better than smuggling in a bagful of cookies is walking out and catching the bus right on cue. not having to walk home in the rain or sit in postgame traffic...priceless.
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