random note #127 fake reubens

real reubens are not happening around here, and brian's not wild about tempeh so tempeh reubens are out (although we ate them at declerye and i love 'em), but sometimes you gotta keep it real, german style.
here's a vegan recipe we indulge in on a pretty regular basis that gets the job done and doesn't require a whole lot of effort:
fake reubens: (makes about )
(what you need to be in the bid'ness)
* 1 loaf of rye bread (or whatever makes you happy)
* 1 package of fake meat (or real if yer into that), I use pastrami and that works real good in terms of color and texture.
* sauerkraut, (we make ours and it looks a lot like the picture i yanked from sandorkraut, who is my personal fermentation superhero), you may wish to buy it. try to stay away from the canned stuff if you aren't making your own...it's not that great. but really if you eat sauerkraut even semi-regularly it's totally worth learning how to make it yourself. the results rival anything you can buy by miles.
* 1 pack of fake cheez, (or real if you aren't lactose intolerant), I've had real good luck with the jalapeno jack which is non-traditional as hell but seems to work. grate or slice...either works. it's supposed to be swiss cheese, but who really cares...
* da sauce: mayo, ketchup, and a little mustard. relish if you got it. mix it up.
*optional: friend onions, pickled beets instead of sauerkraut, dill

1. fry onions if using, and sautee with meat.
2. toast bread
3. assemble by coating bread with sauce (I use a spatula for maximum efficiency), and stack with fried stuff, sauerkraut, and cheese
4. cook on griddle until toasty.
5. if you want you can shake a little dill on there
6. or if yer feeling really lazy, toast some bread, slap it together and microwave it.
so yeah, not exactly traditional, but quite tasty, and it's easy enough to do that i'll do it without complaining even when i'm dead tired and grouch after being at work all day. Like the picture says, it goes well with a beer. i also like to serve mine with some kinda fairly simple soup like tomato or potato.
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