please leave attitude in here

i'm nostalgic as hell anyway, and i remember well the wise words emblazoned upon the box of mystery from declerye (much like its predecessor, the punk and smoking room), and this mindful phrase of good advice for communal living.
today was really crazy at work. not exactly an earth shattering revelation but it takes a lot of effort to remain in the state of zen-like calm when you get interrrupted 500 times.
i'm excited about having an excuse to re-read "of mice and men". the kids at marshall are reading this apparently. i also decided to revisit the oddyssey while I was at it. i'm embarrassed to admit it, but i guess we didn't read the whole thing in 9th grade because i don't remember several of these chapters. we must've read an abridged version. considering that most of my classes were in mobile units that year, anything's possible. but as a future english teacher, i'm supposed to know these things.
nothing like doing ESL work to remind me how curiously arbitrary English is sometimes. I blew the money I earned from a consultation on a consolation bowl of pho around the corner. somehow the idea of coming home to a cold silent house with nothing to eat was just too much for me. pho is really a wonderful secret weapon against the winter cold and fortunately in portland you are never very far from pho. i think it is one of the things i missed most when i was living in ashland. but now that i'm here i miss senior sams so i guess you can't win. if anyone wants to open a senior sams in portland, i'm waiting very very impatiently.
i full expect tomorrow and the day after that to be completely insane at work, but as long as people remain civil, it's all good. i can handle volume, but when the huffy complaining starts, i'm gonna think of the complaint box.
and now it's time for bed. it's early but shit, it's been a long ass day. and tomorrow's gonna be a whole lot more of the same...
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