sluggish saturdays

i sure didn't want to get out of bed this morning, but it wasn't that bad of a day. friday was kind of hellish in terms of intake volume to employee ratios, but today was busy but not in as frantic of a way. i got into a rhythm of some sort and actually experienced the onslaught of boxes and paperwork in a zenlike place where i felt completely balanced and unfrantic all day. it's a good feeling considering we're getting into a hairy time of year.
my one complaint is i'm sooo tired of bad christmas music, i'm in that hell where i have bad christmas music stuck in my head. we have to listen to this station that plays the same 10 christmas songs over and over (because there's a finite number of distinct christmas songs, they play different versions of the same 10 or so songs, and after 2 hours or so, you get the eerie feeling you've heard it all before). i'm sure this is what hell is gonna be like...kinda wish i was next door listening to bad cheesy classic rock with the construction guys. that's way more my speed. "duh duh DUH baaad company..." oh yeah. feel the flow.
call me a grouch if you want but i just am not in much of a christmas mood this year. mainly because i don't have free time to do anything other than eat and sleep. so it might as well be february. not to mention with this kind of schedule, absolutely nothing whatsoever gets done. kinda sad, but i really don't feel like doing much of anything with the one day i do have free. i'll be sad when all the twinkly lights get turned out and we're just left with the bleakness of winter. sigh. january's such a letdown.
my one hope is that someone sends me some socks. and maybe something hopelessly chocolate-y. i positively miss the smell of bear creek's bakeries at this time of year. and the free samples. it was worth getting up at 5am for. about the only thing i don't miss is the hike from the back lot (although finding agate was fun), and being around THAT much telecom equipment gives you weird headaches after a few hours.
i got an email from joshy. gosh that makes me happy. i get so excited when i hear from someone. i miss people...
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