steel reserve kinda busride

the moon is full. anything is possible.
got a quote from kill bill by seanny in the checkout line...
THE BRIDE: Then give me one of these. HANZO: These are not for sale. THE BRIDE: I didn't say, sell me. I said, give me. HANZO: And why should I be obliged to assist you in the extermination of your vermin? THE BRIDE: Because my vermin, is a former student of yours. And considering the student, I'd say you had a rather large obligation. reckon associations can come from just about anywhere, ne?
other random things that happened today:
i saw an old lady walk across a busy road and lose her shoe in the street. she didn't have any socks she walked back in the middle of the road with cars coming at her and picked it up and stood on the side of the road trying to balance and get it back on. the wind was blowing out of the gorge and it was below freezing.
lately i've noticed that i don't get that excited about christmas. i never really thought much about why, until i realized that my grandmother died on christmas eve. hmmm...

a guy got on the bus this morning, around 9 am, waltzed down the aisle sipping on a canned beer like he ain't got no shame in his game...the a little while later, i smell the aroma of cheap beer and sure enough the guy next to me whips out a concealed fotay of steel reserve from up out his jacket. yum.
dude, nursing homes are depressing, i had no idea. the stories people in my class tell about the places they work are just disturbing. these girls on the bus were talking about the ones they work at and it's pretty appalling... makes me want to adopt a bunch of elders who never get visits from their family anymore.
My walkman is totally MIA. I have no idea where it is, and i don't even care for the most part...i would like to have my one rechargeable battery back, but really the thing was totally barely worked after living a hard life with the likes of me. but what really makes me sad is i had my Los Amaya tape in there when it disappeared...i'll never be able to replace that one. found it in a trashpile and it's old as no more El Lavaplatos or Bacalao Salao for me no more. sigh. i have good memories of rockin' that through orange mound back in the day. besides who wants a walkman and cassette tapes in the days of ipods? but me, i'm old skool...i guess i'll have to get another one and hope it doesn't meet the same tragic end.
i'm reading this book about trees. it's pretty fascinating. i had no idea that the celtics were so obsessed with trees, but i'm glad to know there's a precedence for this sort of thing. Similar subject matter can be found at
if you are wondering what the hell i'm talking about. one of my life goals is to write the definitive works about trees so i try to read up on it...
well that's enough for one day. i'm out...
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