unexpected training
working my way through some kozol, it's a good thing.
i had one of those conversations at the bus stop...the ones that could only happen here. it was such a pure moment. i'd like to think that this sort of thing could happen all the time, random strangers would just talk to each other, about completely normal things, in a way that's not scary or weird. and who decided it was so weird to talk to strangers in the first place?
glad i came prepared...although not by any intention of my own. what i thought was an interview was actually a training session. okay fine. my legs still ached viciously from the day before. should know better than to go on death marches, you would think. my thermos of tea and leftover panaderia snack came in handy. but when i went home i was so tired i had to take a nap. couldn't keep it together without some coffee so i drifted over to tiny's, and got it on with a cup of caffeinated bliss. (i love their coffee, it's perfect)
the rest of the day was uneventful in a way that's neither good or bad. what more can you ask for at this point?
my brother's at hatteras. lucky dawg, i wish it was me. happy birthday kiddo.
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