back to portland

we dragged our tired butts over to the greyhound station and got in the lineup early enough to assure ourselves a spot on the dog. first though i had to stop at the piroshky place over by pike, tradition calls, ya know. rounding it off with some surprisingly good convenience store coffee from a rather unlikely location, we were ready to hit the bus station.
the bus station in seattle is surprisingly small. i've seen bigger ones in vastly smaller cities. i mean shit, columbus ohio probably blows it off the map. the one in memphis is massive by comparison. at any rate it's one of the few times i haven't seen an amish family, and more europeans than i'm used to seeing as well. must be ameripass season...
the drive was too swervy to sleep (as i would have liked to do after a weekend of hype) so we just did a whole lot of reading. the clouds and the trees distracted me from time to time. but we made it home quickly since there weren't any stops at all, and it's not like it's all that far to begin with.
i miss everybody already. sigh. freaks are special. i wonder if anyone else feels like life is dull for weeks after a freak reunion.
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