Wednesday, December 01, 2010

It's official--we are moving!

It's official--I've accepted the Job Corps teaching assignment, and we are moving to the coast! My excitement knows no bounds.

It looks like I'll probably be teaching developmental reading (whoo hoo! my favorite! Plus, that's a good application for my disparate experience in Gen Ed and SPED), and with class sizes of 15, this should be a fantastic gig. At any rate, it HAS to be better than anything I'm likely to be offered in a public school setting here in Multnomah County. And I shouldn't have to deal with the fun prospect of getting laid off every year. Yep, this should be MUCH better.

The downside, of course, is that we have to move. And that, my friends, is going to suck. A lot. In the next month, we'll have to rent out our house (can't sell it in this economy), pack up everything, clean out the basement and the outbuildings, clean out the chest freezer (that is completely full because I was prepared for the apocalypse!), and basically I have to get rid of a TON of stuff. Sucks for me, but it'll be a bonanza for every thrift store and community organization within a 5 mile radius.

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