Cedar is 6 months old
Cedar is six months old today. And he's a biiiiig boy.
Obviously he's still growing like a weed, and doesn't show any signs of slowing down in that department. He's totally outgrown all of his 6 month clothes and most of his 9 month clothes, so we've pretty much just moved on to 12 months and over. He outgrew his original carseat a long time ago, and is about too big for the other one. He'll need to move on to the bigger car seat way before he's technically old enough.
He's been kind of crabby lately because he's teething, but he seems to manage a smile now and then.
He still isn't sitting up on his own although he's getting better at maintaining balance in your lap. He has yet to roll over, but he'll turn towards me laying on the bed. He likes sitting, so he keeps trying to do it on his own. He hates tummy time, but has his own variation where he likes to slump forward in my lap like he's doing the flower yoga pose.
He's gotten more interested in toys, but only in things that he can hold easily and put in his mouth. He's still only doing the one-hand manipulation of objects.
During the day, he usually takes 2 naps. His sleeping through the night went downhill when he started daycare, and he hasn't ever gotten back on track, so now we're stuck in the getting up at 2 or 3 AM pattern. That's just fact of life around here. He's also so used to getting up at 5:30 to go to daycare, that he automatically does it on weekends too...ugh.
He gets squirmy and kicky, but he still likes to be held--a lot. He's too big for any of my carriers, but he still likes to be carried, facing in or out, around to look at different things.
He's still a big smiler, although less so when he's teething. He also does a lot of chatting and babbling. He's usually in a good mood, most of the time, but this month he's had 2 teeth come in, so during that time he was not real fun to be around.
He still is a huge fan of sucking on his hand or his fingers, and is getting more enjoyment out of the pacifier than in the past. He still startles when you sneeze, or cough. When he gets tired, he gets real cranky.
He's finally outgrown his reflux issues. Finally, he can lay a bit flat at night without any issues.
When he's upset about something, he gets this look and does the red-faced howl. Then he stops to see if that got your attention, then if not, does it again. He generally only cries like that when he's really hungry or tired.
He's really a "daddy's boy" right now, and is all smiles whenever daddy walks in the room.
He still doesn't have much hair, but I've noticed there's definitely more. It's just such a thin pale blond that it's hard to see. His eyes are still grey with brown flecks so I think he's gonna have hazel eyes.
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