thought of the day
On conservatives: Personally, I don't know whether to loathe them or feel sorry for them. The exact nature of my feelings about them varies, but generally my cynicism wins in the ends and I console myself with the fact that since most of them are old white men, they will all die in due time, which luckily will be much sooner than I.
But generally though, I don't hate them, I feel sorry for them. I can't help but feel sorry for people like these who go around being so afraid of everyone who doesn't look or think like them, that all they can do is react to their fears with mean-spirited hate. In fact they're so afraid that they get together and have a whole organization full of scared people. When people motivated by fear ge together with other people motivated by fear, the end result can be pretty irrational and scary. Say nothing of what happens when they get involved in politics...
What's sad about all of this is that they are completely unable to comprehend that the world is a diverse place (as if God would be so lame as to make everything and everyone the same) that thrives on difference and I personally think that is what makes life more interesting, and I would hate to be trapped in their narrow version of that life "should" be like. To life in a world where everyone talks the same way, looks the same way, and thinks the same way--now that would be tragic indeed. And that people actually desperately WANT this more than anything...
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