pumpkin carving party
I wasn't feeling too great at the end of the day, but was determined not to miss the only halloween-like event i'm likely to be exposed to this year. luckily the destination was very bus friendly so i scooped up one of my homegrown pumpkin babies, and stuffed it in my backpack and hopped on the bus.
I had amazingly good bus karma and arrived at my final destination rather early, and got to spend a little time talking to christie before everyone else showed up. i know how it is being the hostess of a party... It's been a long time since i'd done any group pumpkin carving...i think the last time was college sometime or another. and this is a fun group of folks.
it was nice meeting some more "ed" people and comparing notes. don't know what it is about teachers, but if you catch them feeling conversational at school, the last thing they seem to want to talk about is education...most of the talk in the staff room is about food or diets...which seems kinda weird to me, but oh well. outside of school they are more amenable to this line of discussion.
I stayed out waaaayy too late though and getting up the next morning to go to work was brutal.

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