Thursday, July 27, 2006

ressurection of the bike

after being idle for about a year, i've finally got my road bike back up and running. it took some serious wrestling with the tire levers and i ended up with tons of grime on my hands, but i've got the tired changed out and ready to go. woo hoo, now i can go on some hardcore rides and not get so tired so fast.

after being relentlessly hot all week, it's finally cooled down to something a bit more reasonable. the past couple of days have been in the 80's which is way better than 100.

before going to bed, i strained out the pulp and filled up the carboy with 5 gallons of blackberry juice. i should have some serious blackberry wine in no time. this of course makes me want to go out and pick another 10 lbs of blackberries. it's so easy when they're everywhere... the himalayan blackberry is the scourge of the pacific northwest, but this unwanted bramble is a good friend of mine, so long as it doesn't take over the productive side of the garden. but growing alongside the road, i walk along and pick the profusion of berries. like any good blackberry they stain the hands and mouth, poke me in inconvenient places, and sometimes are a bit too sour, but for all of these faults they make a good snack, and a wonderful wine. their prolific ways make them perfect for a 5 gallon batch because you can pick enough to do it in one week, a few quarts at a time and they don't cost a thing...they grow all by themselves and are of economic interest to no one. when they are done, i will mercilessly hack them back to the ground, and like magic (of a dark sort, perhaps) they will be back as vigorous as ever next year. if only the other rampant weeds had such a good use...


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