Tuesday, January 17, 2006

random list #488

found this list on a friends blog. although corny, i think it's a good check in with where i'm at today...
Current mood
:: calm yet anticipatory, worried and wistful
Current music :: I just got back from a a riot folk show…kids playing guitars and singing heartfelt songs about the state of the world.
Current taste :: soups (any kind). It's winter, soup is my friend.
Current hair :: day 3 no wash the way I like it best, nearly perfect
Current clothes :: what I call the Oregon Lumberjack Combo (a flannel shirt and a pair of jeans. Way unfashionable these days. Oh and I’m rockin’ the sun records shirt because Memphis is on my mind a lot at the moment.
Current annoyance :: bills—do they ever stop coming? The peeling skin on my hands. Not being able to track down my prof…
Current smells :: the honey coconut-y smell of my hand lotion, the smell of barbecue sauce coming from behind the bar counter. Various people who all smell like different things. Cigarettes every time I walk down the street.
Current thing I ought to be doing :: reading stuff for class, it’s tomorrow.
Current windows open :: MS Word, the blog I got this from.
Current desktop picture:: a wedding picture
Current favorite band :: none specific…
Current book :: Richard III by Shakespeare
Current cd in stereo :: something I found at the thriftstore involving music from the andes with pan flutes, guitars, and charrangos. It reminds me of my days in the Siskiyou Mountains.
Current hate :: littering! I’m so tired of seeing other people’s careless trash every where I walk. Uggh!
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: I keep dreaming about either declerye or crazy shit like hurricanes…
Read the newspaper? :: not recently but sometimes I read news online. I’ve kinda been on a media sabbatical since Nov. 3, 2004.
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: probably at least half of the people I can think of qualify for either title. I guess we’re into the same things.
Believe in miracles? :: yeah but I could use a few myself
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: Yeah. Even people I don’t like. I just tend to either feel sorry for them, or deal with them on the basis that they’re less evolved specimens.

Consider love a mistake? :: No, It can get you into trouble though. But it’s a beautiful thing when it appears, and if nurtured carefully can sustain you for a very long time in ways that nothing else can. Love is never a mistake but the ways in which we act upon it with each other in ignorance can be…
Believe in God? :: i believe in , it’s more like the force. I believe that there’s a point where all the powerful mysterious forces in this universe come together into a kind of unity, but I don’t think of it as the classic Christian model aka white dude with a beard and a robe. But I’m definitely one of those who think there’s a grain of truths in all the beliefs held in the world, and that we’re too small to conceive of the truth so we create it for ourselves, giving it whatever names we feel comfortable oppressing each other with.
Hate yourself :: no. but sometimes I get frustrated with the things I do…
Care about looks? :: not really. I care more about personality, integrity and other non-physical traits.
Ever been in love? :: am currently.
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: it's happened before but it usually gets you in trouble, because it’s not always reciprocated. Ouch.
Do you believe in "the one?" :: yes, but I don’t think you are limited to only “one”.
Describe your ideal significant other :: It sounds corny but I think I’ve pretty much found them already. Someone who has a lot of common interests, can deal with my quirks, meshes well with me, believes in a lot of things that I believe in, and is also warm and caring and compassionate. And happens to be darn cute.
Last thing you Bought :: 2 cds at the riotfolk show.
...Ate :: the crumbs in the bottom of a bag of chips.
...Drank :: hot chocolate
...Read :: the Portland indymedia website.
The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: my tapes are much more embarrasing than my cds... but i ain't sharin';)
Your bedroom like? :: since i share it with 2 other life form, i have very little control over it's overall state. it reeks of boy and cat and contains things i would never keep in a bedroom.
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: it varies but i eat grits a lot. like yer mom, they're cheap and easy.
Your favorite restaurant? :: i can't afford to eat out at all right now so i don't even want to think about it.
What's on your bedside table? :: usually a book, whatever headscarf i wore that day, my necklace and a jar containing lucky bamboo
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: hmm, i can't think of anything.
What is your biggest fear?:: selling out...
What are you most insecure about? :: being unable to remember normal things like everyone else.
Do you know anyone famous? :: not really.
What do you carry with you at all times? :: my umbrella and my trimet pass. in that order. this is portland after all.
What do you miss most about being little? :: believing i could fly and that the world was a kind place.
Are you happy with your given name? :: yeah it works fer me
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? :: not much if i didn't need it for work or school.
What color is your bedroom? :: blue
Do you talk a lot? :: no, unless i'm really excited about something (rare)
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: no because i have much more in common with that crowd than rich, gated-mansion-dwelling gluttons. what does annoy me is that there's no reason why anyone should be starving or even homeless in most cases. there's plenty of food in this world, and tons of unused property. completely ridiculous that food goes to waste and buildings sit empty full of rats and pigeons.
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: not really nice. just indifferently tolerant.


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