mlk day reflections

a sure sign you are no longer in the south, is when you have to tell people that today is a holiday, and they actually have to ask you why...
but i had to work today.
i was the only person in my house who had this problem.
even my body knew that i should have slept in for another hour.
here on martin luther king jr's birthday i'm listening to marvin gaye "what's going on" and thinking, the funny thing is the more things change, the more they stay the same.
s---- tells me lately there's been white power rallys against migrant workers around here, and it seems like everybody gotta hate on somebody like they ain't got business of they own to tend to...couldn't tell you why...liz an' i were kickin' it the other day and the topic of racism comes up. and all i'm saying is people don't think up this shit all by themselves 'cause baby there ain't nothing new under the sun, and you know a lot of the kids get these attitudes straight from their parents...and who knows what it is that gets people feelin' the way they do, but my theory is there's some jealousy involved, on a subconscious level. folks like to fight over crumbs while "the man" walk off with the whole pie. kinda pathetic.
so i guess instead of gettin' all analytical on y'all, i'll just leave you with the obvious, "don't hate the player, hate the game". and i think martin woulda said amen to that if he were still around to kick it with.
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