Mushroom walks
Found "Mushroom Demystified" at the library, and its the height of the fall mushroom season, so we've been having a good time with that around here.
My son is fascinated by mushrooms, and October is prime time for seeing them. We've gone on a lot of hikes lately and I've been pointing them out to him, since he keeps asking about them. He grew up watching me harvest them in the woods as a baby and still remembers it. I figure I may as well teach him, since he seems to have the gift of finding even the tiniest ones. He's as good at spotting them as I am, so basically, I'm trying to impress upon him that many of the most beautiful ones (e.g. the Amanitas) are dangerous.
We went to Mt. Tabor, where I haven't been in probably 3 or 4 years now. There's big gorgeous conifers there, and lots of shade, so we saw tons of Amanitas, Russulas, Boletes, etc. The battery on my phone died, so I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, but enough to play around with IDing them.
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