Thursday, September 24, 2009

More work with PECs

I'm writing more about PECs today, since that's something I've been working on with Bob. Since I've never worked with anyone at the beginning stages of learning expressive communication, this has been an interesting journey for both of us.

Bob was introduced to PECs during speech about a week ago, but since he only has speech once a week, it's something I've been practicing with him whenever I can (since it'll never work out if it's just a once-a-week kind of thing). Currently, I've been incorporating some work with PECs into our DT sessions (as kind of a wrap-up activity).

I'm only working briefly with PECs right now (to maintain interest and not wear out the reinforcers too rapidly). At this stage, I'm only using a few items (3 reinforcers that we've identified). I also have been taking my stash of food-related items down to lunch so we can practice a little bit in there (but I keep it really light, since it's not intended to be a form of torture). It's recommended to practice in different settings, so for now, these are the two easiest. I might do some practice on the bus too--that's something we do a few times a week.

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