Thursday, April 13, 2006

butterfly wings

pale butterfly petals drift by
a song that went something like this
i know it was easy and hard and hard and easy
ambling down the street past your broken faces
it's too much this time, i don't know where and how it was
walking dreamlike into oncoming traffic
we played that game too many times
no one knows y0ur name or cares what it was
it was yesterday and it's all the same, we don't know why we do this
we keep picking it up and putting it down, and falling forward
it's like the last time i knew, we were older then
now we are foolish and giddy
talking and talking and talking through days and nights
dancing to oblivion
no one speaks softly anymore, it's all unpleasantries and "are you crazy" and yelling and screaming out on the streets
we are broken blossoms drifting towards an endless future of nothing
drifting uselessly into nothingness


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